5 Bеnеfitѕ of Prореr Posture

5 Bеnеfitѕ of Prореr Posture

Pоѕturе iѕ dynamic and еvеr-сhаnging. Poor posture can affect many different aspects of our body. It is very important to always strive for proper posture. Here are 5 things that are directly related to your posture. And ways to improve them. Better Abilitу to Brеаthе...
To Heat or Ice, that is the question

To Heat or Ice, that is the question

To Heat or Ice, that is the question read time: 3 and a half minutes The answer actually depends on a few other questions What is the injury? How did it happened? How long has it been bothering you? Let’s get a little scientific acute phase is from when the injury...
Is It Time to Throw away your Laptop?

Is It Time to Throw away your Laptop?

Is It Time to Throw away your Laptop? read time: 3 minutes and 3 seconds -The answer to this is NO, but if you want to throw it out then by all means go for it! (And by throw it out I really mean bringing it to your local electronics store to recycle or donate it...